Welcome to The Yoga Clinic




Yoga is meant for everyone and every body. In order to make this a reality, The Yoga Clinic's focus is ‘physical and emotional well-being and self awareness’ and to provide one space to be able to explore the physical, social, and emotional aspects of the self, either at an individual level or in a group setting and to provide a community hub where like minded people can share life, stories, experiences and most importantly chai tea! Often life gets in the way and we lose touch with our ‘self’ and lose connection with our bodies.The Yoga Clinic is based on the mission to reconnect with self and to rediscover and feel connected and safe in our bodies and to heal from past wounds and feel empowered. The aim of the Yoga Clinic is to provide a clinic which offers Yoga, therapeutic services and body work services.

The Yoga Clinic offers a space for different styles of yoga to suit everyone and offers a range of therapy services. The Yoga Clinic is based in a central location, near public transport. The Yoga Clinic is built on the foundation of clean, green, conscious construction that is designed to create a calm and healthy environment for your practice. The studio offers 2 yoga spaces hosting classes and workshops. 

Our vision is to create a safe place where you can have a ‘present moment’ and ‘mindful’ experience.


Therapeutic Yoga

Yoga is a practice that can offer new sources of hope, strength and courage. Get started with our new therapeutic yoga classes and discover tools for empowerment. Therapeutic yoga classes encourage you to interact with your body in a way that is useful to you.


Training and Mentorships

Training and Mentorships at the Yoga Clinic offer a space to grow and learn and explore new skills. Anyone who is interested in the mind-body connection and working in a holistic way towards healing and recovery can benefit from these courses.


Why Yoga?

About Yoga

A common question is ‘What is Yoga’ and ‘Why should I practice’?